Sarasota (941) 586-7897 | Bradenton (941) 677-7208

January Newsletter 2022

Message from the Founder

This is Us

People do business with people they KnowLike and Trust. This is a popular phrase in business groups, networking circles and amongst entrepreneurs. This is also a common phrase I use in the AS chat forum and on our monthly conference calls. Now, I would like to use it for this article in our Newsletter, so let’s take a look.

Get to Know Us (if you don’t already)

  • Accurate Serve® was founded in 2009 in Lakeland, FL by Beau Charlet (that’s me)
  • In 2012, we opened our first franchised office in Jacksonville, FL. The Tallahassee office opened a few months after the Jax office.
  • Each franchisee is required to attend an extensive training program before they can open their office. During that time, every aspect of running an AS office is taught, re-taught and touched on time and time again. Our Owners are prepared when they open for business.
  • We have 38 offices in FL and offices in 5 other states (AL, CO, MI, GA and TX).
  • The AS team has served over 50,000 papers each year for 4 years in a row which makes us one of the largest process serving companies in the nation AND we are the only franchise based system in our industry (that I know of, LOL). So, although we are one large company, we are made up of several smaller companies, all locally owned and operated by someone in your community.

Do you Like Us?

  • First off for social media purposes, please like/follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn. As for FaceBook, each AS office has their own page, so please visit your point of contact’s website and look in the upper right hand corner for the icon to link to their Biz FB page.
  • Are you a new Client for AS?  Or, have you been with us for years? Have you had a chance to write a Google review? If so, thanks so much!! If not, we hope that we can deliver superior service to you day in and day out and maybe one day, you can hit us up with that Review.
  • Speaking of Reviews, each AS website has a page of their reviews. If you have not had a chance to read those, please do so. This will tell you what other companies think about us and our service.

And you can definitely Trust Us:

  • Know that all Returns/Affidavits are valid on their face. In FL, if a Process Server knowingly and willingly executes a false return, they can be banned from serving process forever. Just know that this will never be an issue with anyone working for an Accurate Serve® office.
  • Each month we send out this Newsletter and publish our stats. Some months are stats are not as good as others (many factors can go into this) but we never fudge our numbers. We are transparent in everything that we do.
  • You may be working directly with an AS Owner or you may be working with their office staff, office managers, etc.  There are checks and balances in place in all offices to make sure nothing is missed. From Servers to Employees to Managers to Owners, we all place our trust in each other to work hard every day getting your papers served and trust me, we get the job done!!

That’s all I have for now, take care.

Beau Charlet

Leave A Review!

Accurate Serve® Atlanta is growing! Our Atlanta office has been open for over 1 year and has secured reliable servers through the state of GA. With contacts ready to go all over the state, we are able to complete your process needs diligently. As your offices start to re-open, we look forward to having in person meetings and getting to know the Paralegals and attorneys throughout the greater Atlanta area. If you have an event planned, let us know! We’d love to attend to get to know your team!

As always we are your one stop shop for any of your process needs nationwide! Our wealth of experience ensure quick handling of your professional casework. Don’t forget about our ever expanding Accurate Serve® office network that is constantly setting up shop in cities nationwide…We are here for you!

With focus on communication to our clients, we ensure they are up to date every step of the way on all services. If you have questions about your file, our team is available by phone or email to ensure your needs are being met. Our goal is to earn your business long term and give you peace of mind while becoming your one stop shop for professional process serving not only in Atlanta but anywhere our clients need. We look forward to hearing from you and happy New Year!

All the best,
Accurate Serve® of Atlanta

James Pantell
Need our help?
Call (404) 924-4838
Email [email protected]

Visit the Atlanta Website
Leave A Review!
A lot of people make New year’s Resolutions. The most frequent resolutions you hear are about losing weight, eating healthier or exercising more.  Other resolutions include: spending more time w/ friends/family, taking more vacations, pick up a new hobby.
Word of the Month: Affable – At ease in talking to others.
1/1 – Happy New Year
1/17 – MLK Jr. Day

Office Anniversaries
Daytona Beach, FL
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Kissimmee, FL

Lake Mary, FL
Milton, FL
Naples, FL
New Port Richey, FL
Palm Beach, FL
Panama City, FL
Plantation, FL
St. Pete, FL 

December 2021 Job Statistics

December 2021 Job Count – 4,046
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* -6.3

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

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Our Reviews

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