Sarasota (941) 586-7897 | Bradenton (941) 677-7208

How Process Servers Find an Evasive Person

Process recipients aren’t usually too hard to find, but occasionally we’ll get one that just disappears like a ghost. To find recipients like this, we really have to dig in our heels and use all the tools in our belts. Some techniques we use to find extra difficult process recipients are outlined below:

Skip Trace

If the regular tactics for locating process recipients don’t work, then we’ll escalate up to a skip trace. A skip trace provides many details about a person’s background and can be a great jumping-off point to finding someone evasive. Some of the information discovered in a skip trace includes contact information, criminal reports, known associates, real estate holdings, asset holdings, and more.

Diligent Search

If the skip trace just doesn’t bring in the information we want, the next step is conducting a diligent search. A diligent search is more focused than a skip trace and can unearth information the skip trace missed. Even with its more comprehensive coverage, diligent searches can still be unsuccessful.

Alternative Service

If the skip trace and diligent search yield no results, it’s time to ask a judge to approve an alternative service. This includes service by substitution and service by publication. In substitution, a person other than the intended recipient is given the process. This is usually someone close to the intended recipient, such as a family member or roommate. In service by publication, a notice is published in the local newspaper or similar publication to notify the defendant of their requested appearance. Both substitution and publication are considered fully valid after their terms are met.

Process Servers in Sarasota

If you’re trying to find an evasive case defendant and don’t know where to turn, let the experts at Accurate Serve® help out. We have experience locating and serving even the most elusive litigants. Call us at (941) 586-7897 or send us a work request online to get started today.

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