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December Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

2021 is coming to a close but before it does we all benefit from the winter holidays and extra time off to spend with loved ones. If you stay local, enjoy your time in your home with family, friends and loved ones. If you are traveling this month, please be safe and return back rejuvenated and refreshed.

Everyone has their traditions and favorite things to do during the holidays. I want to know what those are. This Newsletter goes out to over 10,000 people plus viewed by many more via our social media channels. If 10% of you reply and share a slice of your life with me, I would feel most blessed.

Here are some things we like to do:

  • Drive around and look at lights
  • Decorate our home, tree, etc.
  • Make yummy tasty goodies
  • Watch holiday movies
  • Find out where the Elf on the Shelf is every morning
  • Play cards and board games
  • Cook and eat – I know I mentioned goodies earlier but those are sweets, I like the nice hefty meals too and I LOVE to cook

Something new we did this year is we got an Advent calendar for our 3 kids. Our girls get a new bracelet, necklace, gem, bead, etc. each day. And our son gets a mini lego animal to put together.

Here is my Top 4 Holiday Movie List:

  1. A Christmas Story
  2. Elf
  3. Home Alone
  4. The Santa Clause

We hope you have enjoyed our service in 2021 and we look forward to being your service of process provider in 2022.  We are always working to do better and we never stop to rest.  You can rest assured we will always work hard to get the job done.

Warmest Wishes this Holiday Season….

Take Care,
Beau Charlet

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Happy Holidays to all! No matter what you celebrate we hope that you are enjoying time with family and friends as we come to a close in 2021. Hard to believe that this year is ending and in doing so we are putting a close to our first year of business as Accurate Serve® of Dallas. I appreciate all of the relationships that we have already made in this first year. We have great process servers on our team as well as some awesome clients who have been supporting us in this venture. Your support and business is what allows us to grow and become a better process serving company for clients and for our employees and process servers.

Process serving is a business of effort and knowledge. Naturally there will be people who avoid service, almost on a daily basis. Our team and our servers have the knowledge of statues and civil procedures to ensure that we take the steps necessary to get documents served in a fair, timely and lawful manner. Yes, people who avoid will generally take more time to get served but by making the continued effort  to prove they are being evasive it allows us to open up new avenues to get them served. For Texas the first method to fall back on is Rule 106. This requires the non serve affidavit with attempts to prove that we have attempted individual service a sufficient amount of times. Once the motion 106 is granted we can start working on service of the individual again but also have the ability to sub serve a co resident who is 16 or older.

We can also drop serve as you see in the video above. This is not the preferred method of service but for some individuals they do not give us any other options. As you can see in the video, the server identified the subject being served and informed him of the documents he was being served with. The two primary keys to successful service is successfully identifying the individual and verbally letting them know what they have been served with, summons, citation, etc. The individual being served can also ask for the process server to provide a licence for service at which time it is the process server’s responsibility to provide a license or show a motion in order granting that process server to complete service of the documents.

Our team is here to support you as your one stop shop for process serving around the nation and world. We have the resources to provide answers and successful service to individuals and companies no matter where they are located. Again, I thank you for your support in 2021 and look forward to working with you and new clients in 2022. Cheers!

Brandon Muscato
Need our help?
Call (469) 518-9581
Email [email protected]

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Did you know that Jack Nicholson and Eddie Murphy auditioned to be The Grinch? The role eventually went to Jim Carrey.

11/28 – 12/6 – Happy Hanukkah
12/21 – Happy Birthday Josh Wright! (Plantation Office)
12/25 – Merry Christmas!
12/31 – New Years Eve

Office Anniversaries
Orlando Office
Detroit Office

November 2021 Job Statistics

November 2021 Job Count – 3,806
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* -4.4

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

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