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Facebook CEO Serves Paper and Stirs Controversy

Facebook has reached just about every corner of the earth, making Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s CEO, an extremely rich and famous man, to say the least. However, Zuckerberg recently became embroiled in something other than technology and social media endeavors. Filing Hundreds of Lawsuits It was right around Christmas that Zuckerberg shared photographs of his family’s $100 million, 700-acre property in Kauai, Hawaii, writing that he and his wife “fell in love with the community and the cloudy green mountains.”

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Make Your Life Easier by Using a Process Server

Until you need a process server, you may not realize what an important role they play within the legal system. Whether you are ready to serve divorce papers or collect on an unpaid debt from an old business partner, a process server can help make difficult situations a bit easier. Basic Facts About Process Servers A process server is a person legally certified to deliver court orders and court documents relating to a defendant’s presence in court. Aside from court-appointed

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Other States Look to New York as Role Model in Process Server Protection

Process servers and other civil servants have entered the month of November with a bit of extra protection to their names. On November 1, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s bill to protect process servers from assault went into official effect. New York joined three other states, California, Florida, and Illinois, to take specific measures to protect vulnerable workers. Workers who clean public transportation states and utility workers are also included in the bill. Now an attack on any such person is not

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Is This the Youngest American to Be Served a Restraining Order?

Restraining orders aren’t uncommon among grown adults, even between divorced couples embroiled in bitter conflict, but they typically do not apply to young children. Until now. A restraining order is a temporary court order that can be requested in order to protect an individual from contact with another person who is deemed dangerous. While most eight-year-old boys are playing outside or watching cartoons, Peyton Whitehead of Missouri is dealing with the fallout from being served a restraining order in his

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Wells Fargo’s Legal Woes

Wells Fargo has long been viewed as a reliable, legitimate, and upscale banking institution, but its reputation has come crumbling down in the past weeks as lawsuits and allegations have been splashed across newspaper headlines. The problems began when Wells Fargo was ordered by federal regulators to pay $190 million at the beginning of September. The fine came as a response to the discovery that Wells Fargo employees had secretly created millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts without

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Legal Problems on Real Housewives of New York are Indeed Real

It often seems that bad relationship luck follows reality stars and celebrities around like an inescapable black cloud. The divorce between Real Housewives of New York’s Jules Wainstein and her soon-to-be-ex Michael Wainstein is no exception. This July, Michael served Jules with divorce papers after the two officially decided to end their marriage. Trouble in Paradise Long before Jules was served her divorce papers, trouble was brewing between the couple. Though it can be hard to determine the exact circumstances

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Controversy Rises Over Process Servers and Body Armor

If you have an eye on the news for stories about process servers getting into difficult situations, you’ll know that dangerous events occur on a daily basis for the process servers tasked with serving papers to those in legal hot water. For as many people who realize that the process server is nothing more than a messenger, just as many unleash the full depths of their anger and violence on the process server unlucky enough to walk up to the

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A Million Served

Just like McDonalds fast food restaurant chain, it’s my goal to bring a faster more complete service to our clients and customers. Being the gold standard in efficiency and customer care helps us process service on all your legal documents needs right the first time allowing us to serve the largest variety and volume of legal documents or papers possible. If we make a mistake we have no problem doing what it takes to correct it. We are dedicated to bringing

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The Role of Private Process Servers

The role of a process server is actually set out in the Constitution, where it is stated that service of due process is a privilege to all citizens. This means that all Americans have the right to be properly informed that they are being summoned for some type of legal court action. A process server, then, is the messenger to notify any individual of his involvement in a legal issue. Before cities and town became as large and sprawling as

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Can Businesses Be Served?

Legal issues between two people are complicated enough, but things can get very messy when a business becomes embroiled in the court process. Businesses can indeed be served court papers, but service of process takes a bit more planning and care than when serving an individual. Who Gets Served?

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