Sarasota (941) 586-7897 | Bradenton (941) 677-7208


What Can a Process Server Do For Me?

Now that you’ve decided to file a lawsuit here in Florida, you may want to save a few bucks by skipping hiring a process server and doing it yourself. Well, think again! Not only is hiring an experienced, certified process server the best thing for your case, it’s also the law. Only a certified process server approved to work in the 12th Judicial Circuit can serve process in Sarasota, Manatee, and DeSoto counties. Not using a certified process server to

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September Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Legislature Changes & Technological Advancements in Florida In June 2019, Florida House Bill 91 was signed, sealed and delivered. One of the major changes in this Bill was the fact that process servers could now electronically sign their Returns of Service. This was a HUGE development. Prior to the signing of this Bill, only the Sheriff was allowed to electronically sign Returns, not private process servers (PPS). Once this Bill was signed into effect, our software programmer went

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6 Tips on Serving Process Safely

Process servers get assignments that take them all over their local areas. Servers often end up in unfamiliar areas surrounded by nothing but strangers. Add in the frustration that many process recipients express when being served, and it’s easy to see why service of process is considered a risky job. Here are our top six tips for staying safe while working as a process server: Research the target When serving process, you need to know more than just a name

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August Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Founder’s Message Back to School Special As a dad of 3, I know the most important role I play is that of father. Trust me, being your process server is a pretty close second. It’s August, a month I truly adore, a month to celebrate the birthday of my wife and also the month our first born arrived in this world. August also is generally the month that all children go back to school (granted I know some states

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What Can’t Process Servers Do?

Process servers in Florida must be careful to follow all laws and regulations related to the service of process. Making mistakes can be detrimental to the plaintiff’s case, resulting in anything from having to reschedule the court date and re-serve all parties, to have the case completely thrown out. Process servers have to know what actions are forbidden while serving process to avoid damaging their client’s case and reputation. Florida’s 12th Judicial Circuit governs private process servers in Sarasota, Manatee,

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How to Tell if a Process Server is Legitimate

Using a credible process server in Florida isn’t just recommended…it’s the law. Only servers certified and approved by the appropriate judicial circuit may serve legal process in the state. If you use an illegitimate process server, any service provided will be invalid and your case might even get thrown out. Make sure you hire a reputable process server that has all the following qualities: Certification or Appointment All private process servers in Florida must be certified and approved by the

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July Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Founder’s Message Are We There Yet? Well, half way there. That is, half way through 2021. Wow, where did the year go? Is it because everyone is keeping themselves busy now w/ the ease of covid restrictions? The old adage states, time flies when you are having fun, right? You know what I find fun? Work. Honestly, when I work, I just go into calm mode, like meditation state. When I don’t work, my anxiety builds about

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Is it Better to Use a Process Server or Local Sheriff?

It’s a question we get all the time: Why not just use the local sheriff’s department to serve process? While it is true that sheriff deputies are allowed to serve process, it’s not always in your best interest to use them over a private process server. Private process servers are a better choice in many cases because they: Ensure service of process is legally compliant. Errors in service of process can have huge ramifications for your case. The defendant may

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May Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Founder’s Message The Light at the End of the Tunnel It has been some time since I have addressed the Covid-19 pandemic but here we go again. So, in the past week the CDC has updated their guidelines in regards to people who have been fully vaccinated. Some highlights are below: No more masks indoors or outdoors (but still recommended if you are in packed areas like on a plane, train or bus (did you think I

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Ways to Stay Safe While Serving Papers

Process serving can be a dangerous job. Every day, process servers maintain daily responsibilities that require them to deliver papers informing people of their involvement in unwanted or expensive lawsuits.  Despite not having anything to do with the legal proceedings, process servers are all too often blamed for the defendant’s legal troubles. Some recipients take their anger out on the process servers, making this line of work more dangerous than most.  The courageous men and women who work as process

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